The Unbearable Lightness Of Your Wallet From Pothole Damage To Your Vehicle

You may be able to anticipate the arrival of winter with eager anticipation as the holiday and winter sport seasons are ushered in with the rush of cold weather. However, freezing temperatures and accompanying snow and ice can wreak havoc on asphalt road surfaces.

Drastic changes in temperature will cause asphalt to contract and expand, allowing the granules to separate and create small holes or crevices in the surface. As snow or rain collects inside these apertures, ice is formed, which itself expands to create even larger gaps, which your vehicle's tires strike with a jarring thud that seems to shake your vehicle (and anyone inside) to its core. 

While damage such as a shredded tire or broken axle will be readily apparent because your vehicle will no longer be in driving condition, your vehicle may also sustain damage that will only reveal itself at a later date.

What are Some of the Possible Damages From Hitting Potholes?

Some damage may occur from a single strike, while other issues may be cumulative, but all can be caused by hitting potholes, including:

Bent Wheel Rims

A bent rim is likely to be the result of a single hard strike, and can lead to continuous loss of tire pressure. While rim damage may be more obvious on the outer surface of a rim, damage to the inner surface may not be visible unless the rim is removed at an auto repair shop. 

Driving with an under-inflated tire can contribute to loss of driver control on already treacherous winter roads, as well as premature tire wear, so its a good idea to have your rim checked if you are experiencing consistent loss of tire pressure.

Wheel Misalignment

Both of your front wheels should be facing in the same direction. However, if one of your wheels falls into a gaping chasm of a pothole, the wheel can be forced out of alignment. You will then have each front wheel attempting to go in a slightly different direction.

This can cause loss of control as well as loss of your hard earned pay, Misaligned wheels will experience greater friction against the road surface, resulting in excessive and uneven tire wear. It will also effect gas mileage, as the vehicle works harder to compensate for the additional friction.

A front end alignment from an auto repair shop will solve the problem, but won't protect your vehicle from future pothole mishaps, so its a good idea to get your alignment checked again after winter pothole season is over.

You should also listen for sounds of possible exhaust system damage. Unless your vehicle sounded like a race car before striking a pothole, louder exhaust sounds could be the result of muffler damage or a separation of exhaust system components. 

If you hear a knocking sound on the bottom of your vehicle when traveling on rough roads, it's possible that one or more clamps that hold your exhaust system in place has been broken. Without sufficient clamps in place, the next hard pothole strike could result in parts of your exhaust system being left behind as an offering, so any thumping noises should be taken seriously.

You can't avoid all potholes, but you can minimize their impact through proper maintenance and prompt repairs.

About Me

Improving Your Car

I have never been big into cars, but about a year ago, I saw something that changed my outlook. A friend of mine took me to a car show, and I was so impressed with the different vehicles that I saw that I decided to completely overhaul my ride. I spent a lot of time learning more about the different tips and tricks involved with making my car incredible, and I even replaced the engine. This blog is all about the importance of making your car truly remarkable and how to get started. You might be surprised with what your car can become.

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